EMDR Therapy: What Is It & What Are Its Benefits?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, or EMDR, is a powerful psychotherapy that assists in resolving the emotional and recurring symptoms of individuals with unprocessed emotional triggers.

These triggers are retained in the survivor's memory after the trauma passes away. When individuals encounter the same emotional trigger in the present, the symptoms again overpower their conscious mind, and they undergo emotional distress in the present from past adverse experiences.

With a surge in people heading for psychotherapy, today is the right time to become an EMDR therapist with convenient in person or EMDR therapy online Basic training. Since the world needs more psychotherapists than ever due to a lack of social interaction and a hustled life, learning EMDR therapy can be a lifesaver for survivors of serious emotional events.

When to Use EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy is an effective treatment for Post-Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD), where people live with unprocessed memories that revive the entire incident again, causing significant emotional pain and distress throughout their lives.

Although the therapy has expanding applications, it has been phenomenal in alleviating the symptoms of individuals with emotionally depressing and challenging pasts.

EMDR Therapy-Who Are The Right Clients?

Recipients may include children, adolescents, adults, or older adults, men and women alike. There is no bar of gender or age-specificity on EMDR therapy.

However, a psychotherapist may convey the prerequisites for the therapy sessions. For example, whether pregnant women or individuals on daily medicines can take the EMDR sessions is a counselor's professional decision.

Survivors of traumatic events such as child sex abuse, parental separation, divorce, natural calamity, loss or death of a loved one, or anyone who has faced a trauma that burdened them emotionally may still leave remnants behind in their memories. These bits and pieces of trauma may be in terms of sounds, visuals, mental pictures, or an element like water, darkness, etc. that were components significantly present at the time of the trauma.

If you wish to enhance people in healing from traumatic experiences professionally, you can also take an EMDR therapy online course to expand your EMDR skills to more presenting issues and client populations.

How is EMDR Therapy Different from Other Trauma-Focused Treatments?

EMDR therapy differs from other trauma-focused therapies because it includes prolonged exposure of the recipient to the distressing trigger. Other psychotherapies stay focused on altering the responses and behavior that result from the emotional stressor. EMDR alters the way memory is stored in the brain.

After successful EMDR therapy, your mind may still have the memory, but it is no longer disturbing. Instead of trying to manage problematic responses to the memory, your mind will treat it as a part of history. The usual triggers are cleared out with EMDR so when the memory is recalled,, it won't cause any distress.

Learn more about EMDR therapy and the integration of Francine Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) into your clinical treatment by accessing a specialty EMDR therapy online course to stay at the forefront for the survivors of traumas.

EMDR And Beyond is a complete platform for training, consultation, EMDR therapy, and services for people seeking the right treatment for their mental health recovery. We provide EMDR specialty training programs to people keen to add to their therapy toolbox. Contact us today to get more information.